A 10 min read will give you the overview of Kubernetes .

LETs Start!!.

Overview what we study in this whole:

  1. What is Kubernetes .
  2. Kubernetes  Cluster Architecture. 
  3. Different Components of Kubernetes.

What is Kubernetes ?

Kubernetes is a  tool by which we can orchestrate or manage the containers .Thus , it is a container manager which keep an eye on every things which make to manage containers. It is portable , open source , extensible which is also used for automation.

Its is abbreviated as k8s as between " K " and " s " there are eight letters for making it easy to speak .

Kubernetes provide you with the following features:

  1. Storage orchestration: It provide you to automatically bound to storage system of your choice local storage , public cloud providers , etc.
  2. Automatic rollouts and rollbacks: You can describe the desired state of your deployment and its automatically shift the actual state to your desired state at a controlled rate.
  3. Self-healing : It scale up and scale down the things upon encounter of traffic strength and also restarts the container which fails and making things to provide the user a well state of services .

Kubernetes  Cluster Architecture

Mainly , it contains two things in its cluster Master Node, and the Worker Node and also their replicas.

The master node has four components:
  1. Kube-Api(rest)----- to give the user to communicate through it to the cluster.
  2. Controller-Manager------ its control everything within the cluster and to things work properly.
  3. Scheduler------ for scheduling the thongs for proper load balancing .
  4. etcd--- storing key-value pair and use in time of backup.
The worker node has three main components:
  1. Kubelet----- run on each worker node and has work like to start pods and containers, also to communicate to the master node.
  2. Kube-proxy------ it maintains network rules on nodes and to handle traffic to assign the things(work) to the pods and containers.
  3. Cni(container network interface)------ It provide an abstraction layer over the containers and to make network to made communication possible between containers and pods . 

Kubernetes Components

  1. Nodes---A Node is a worker machine in kubernetes and may be either a virtual or physical machine . 
  2. Pods-----A Pod is the smallest execution unit in kubernetes. It encapsulates one or more applications . 
  3. Namespace---------Namespaces are a way to organize clusters into virtual sub-clusters -- they can be helpful when different teams or projects share a kubernetes cluster. 
  4. Services-------A Service is a logical abstraction for a deployed group of pods in a cluster (which all perform the same function). 
  5. Ingress---------It is an API object that provides routing rules to manage external users' access to the services in kubernetes cluster, typically via HTTPS/HTTP.
  6. Secrets-------A Secrets is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as password, a token or a key. 
  7. ConfigMaps-------A ConfigMap is an API object that let's you  store configuration for other objects to use. 
  8. Replicasets------A Replicaset is a kubernetes object that ensures there is always a stable set of running pods for a specific workload. 
  9. Deployment----A Deployment is used to tell kubernetes how to create or modify instances of the pods that hold a containerised applications. 


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