Let's talk about openstack.

It takes hardly takes 10 min to know all about it .


Openstack is the way of pooling the virtual software tools which are used for building and managing the public and private cloud.
These virtual software tools are commonly called as services which are refer to the components of openstack. It is a cloud computing platform in which resources and virtual servers are made available to the users.
It provide three services :
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  • Software as a Service (SaaS).
Mainly it is deployed as IaaS in public and private cloud.For more, Reference for openstack.

Now Let's talk about its components as it is made up of different components which have their individual work for breaking the whole system in microservices instead of monolithic services .


  • Keystone  →  Authentication and authorization service ( Identity Service).
            This service is used for identifying the user and which user has how many access over the usage.
  • Horizon  →   Web based User Interface (DashBoard Service).
            This service provide the dashboard for user interface to interacts with and to do whatever he
            wants, in a simplified way.  
  • Nova  →  Provision compute instances as virtual machine (Compute Service ).
           This is the compute service which do computations where evers required and store its result and 
           give it back to the origin who originates it.
  • Neutron  →  Implementing  network APIs ( Networking Service ).
           This is the networking Service for making each and every component to connected for
           communicate and do a particular function in a unified way. 
  • Cinder  →  Providing Volumes (Block Storage Service).
            This service is used to provide block storage and provisions block devices known as cinder 
            volumes .                
  • Swift →  Providing Storage for Object (Object Storage Service).
           This service is used to provide object Storage and stores large amount of data cost effectively on 
            a long term basis.
  • Glance → Providing Storage for images (Images Storage Service).
           This services is used to store images and metadata which are also used by other services where 
           users can upload and discover data assets.
  • Heat → Managing Whole System (Orchestrator Service ).
           This is the manager of the openstack which keeps an eye on every things that happen in it and 
            maintains the healthy state of the components to keep protect the openstack.
  • Ceilometer → For Billing Purpose (Telemetry Service ).
           This service is used for billing purpose as you have to pay only for that what you have used .
  • Ceph → Unified Storage(Object, Block, File) (Storage Service ).
            This is  used over Cinder  as its provide unified storage of object , block , file .Also , it 
           has it property of autoscaling when there times of failures.

There are lot  of more components but these above written are the main and necessary(which are must required ) for deploying openstack .

These all components or  services are connected and communicate over Rest APIs.
Now , every component is made up of small-small microservices which are connected to a Queue for maintaining a healthful state of communication between sub-microservices . These small microservices gives request for communication , and queue on the basis of First In First Out gives it responses as making its connection and do that respective instructions.

There is a separate database for each component for storing its logs and all things for storing which it  want to do. Also its is used to make it again when container of service get failed .


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