Virtualization is the way through which you can create many environments by which you can run different operating systems on one platform. It is the layer which is abstracted from the systems that uses System hardware more efficiently . In Virtualization it is seems to us that the virtual machine we are working on our host operating systems , is the dedicated machine.
A computer machine has basically three major and huge terms which are more significant are listed below:
- Computation.
- Storage.
- Network.
Virtualization is achieved through Hypervisor which are also of two types , usage of them are depending on the conditions which are listed down below:
Types of Hypervisor : Type-1 and Type-2.
Type-1 Hypervisor are used in case of your Bare metal(BM) just like your laptop without have any operating system running in it or the Servers which are running in everywhere .
For Example :- Microsoft Virtual PC ,Oracle Virtual Box, VMWare Workstation, Oracle Solaris Zones, VMware Fusion, Oracle VM Server for x86.
Operating System on virtual machine--->Virtual Machine---->Hypervisor---> operating System(Host)--->Hardware
from the above mention stages, latency of execution come which is not when we use type-1 Hypervisor because in that stages reduced to below mention ones':-